Thursday, September 18, 2008

Sept. 18 - This day in History

-September 18, 1983 - Kiss appears on MTV without their trademark makeup for the first time ever.

****What a dark, dark day that was. Those who don't learn from history, etc, etc, etc. I cried for days. Part of my childhood died that day and never came back

-September 18, 1997 - US media magnate Ted Turner donates USD $1 billion to the United Nations.

***I bet he wishes he had THAT money back now!

-September 18, 2001 - First mailing of anthrax letters from Trenton, NJ in the 2001 anthrax attacks.

***We had a concert at The Roxy a few weeks after this happened. They had to evacuate the building when they found a mirror on a table back in one of the dressing rooms with some white powder on it.

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